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Sweepstakes and Contest Administration

Your Partner in
Sweepstakes Management

ESG is a compliance specialist who creates turnkey sweepstakes or handles any aspect of your promotion such as writing official rules, registering sweepstakes, selecting winners, fulfilling prizes, or issuing tax documents. Well-written official rules protect the sponsor as well as the entrants. Should there be any issue of fairness or a consumer complaint, clear and consistent rules that outline how the promotion was run and what remedies are available to all parties protects the sponsor and the entrants.

Sweepstakes Administration
Prize Fulfillment
TV Compliance
ESG manages and administers online and tv promotions and contests, like the one this group of friends is watching.

The Challenge of Administering Sweepstakes

Companies that wish to utilize sweepstakes and giveaways as part of their marketing need to be aware that Sweepstakes, while both proven and highly effective, are also highly regulated by national, state, and local laws. ESG helps our clients not only perfect their promotional strategies to match their marketing goals, but our expert administration services make sure that your sweepstakes is implemented fairly and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Super Bowl LVIII Betting Highlights the Difference between ‘Gambling’ and ‘Sweepstakes’

The allure of big wins during significant sports events like the Super Bowl is undeniable. This year, the American Gaming Association estimated a staggering $23.1 billion was bet by adults in the US on Super Bowl LVIII, witnessing the Kansas City Chiefs triumph over the San Francisco 49ers with an overtime result of 25 to 22. While the thrill of gambling can create substantial gains (both financial and emotional), it’s essential to remember the flip side – substantial losses. For instance, one bettor lost an eye-watering $1.3 million on three bets during this Super Bowl, as reported by

Difference Between Gambling and Sweepstakes

This high-stakes environment underscores the fundamental difference between gambling and participating in sweepstakes. The critical distinction lies in the entry mode: sweepstakes do not require participants to pay, eliminating the financial risk associated with gambling. This difference is not trivial, especially for companies looking to elevate their brand image through sweepstakes.

Maintaining accessibility and fairness for participants is a vital element of running a sweepstakes, whereas fairness and accessibility are not factors in gambling. One of the qualities state regulatory agencies and Attorneys General keep an eye on is whether consideration (a legal term to describe time, money, or effort that an entrant exerts for the chance to “win” a prize) is a component.  The removal of consideration in sweepstakes is a key reason why they work as a marketing tactic and have a broad reach. It’s important to keep in mind that a sweepstakes, especially a successful one, is a type of organic advertising. The broader the audience, the bigger your ROI because a sweepstakes promotion is seldom as expensive as advertising/paid media budgets can be for a brand.

For brands aiming to make a positive impression and foster goodwill, sweepstakes offer a much safer alternative to gambling. When someone enters a sweepstakes, the lack of entry fee means there’s nothing to lose, which can prevent any negative associations with your brand in the event they don’t win. Furthermore, navigating the legal labyrinth of gambling and betting regulations can be a daunting task for any business. The stringent and intricate legal requirements make managing a betting or gambling-based promotional endeavor both cumbersome and risky, not to mention illegal in many states

Enter ESG, a company specializing in conceiving, managing, and administering sweepstakes designed to bolster public awareness of its clients. ESG understands that the goal is not just about creating a sweepstakes; it’s about crafting a memorable experience that links fun, brand recognition, and the thrill of potentially winning a prize. By choosing to organize a sweepstakes, your brand can engage with your audience in a meaningful way, fostering a positive image and association with your brand without the legal complexities and negative connotations that can accompany gambling. To date, there is no such thing as a “Sweepstakes Anonymous” organization to help people who are addicted to entering promotions get their life back on track, but there is a “Gamblers Anonymous” organization. You’ve seen the required legal disclosures on all advertising for gambling. Sure, sweepstakes require legal disclosures too, but there are no health or lifestyle downsides dominating the content of those disclaimers because the loss capacity is absent.

In a world where consumer engagement is paramount, sweepstakes present an opportunity to interact with your audience without the financial stakes of gambling. Whether it’s through excitement, entertainment, or the allure of a prize, a well-executed sweepstakes can significantly elevate your brand’s visibility and appeal. With ESG’s expertise, your company can navigate this landscape effortlessly, ensuring that your sweepstakes is not only legally compliant but also a resounding success. Let ESG help you turn the chance of winning into a win-win for your brand and your audience.

What is earned media?

Earned media refers to the publicity and exposure your brand earns through organic, unpaid channels. Unlike paid advertising, which you directly pay for, earned media is the result of positive mentions, shares, or coverage by third parties like customers, influencers, or journalists.

Examples of earned media

  • Social Media Shares: When your audience shares your content on social media because they find it valuable or entertaining.
  • Press Coverage: When journalists or bloggers write about your brand without being paid via a favorable review, a feature story, or a mention in an article.
  • Influencer Mentions: When influencers or industry experts talk about your brand or recommend your products to their followers.
  • Word-of-Mouth Referrals: When happy customers recommend your brand through word-of-mouth with a positive testimonial, recommendations, or referrals.

It’s easy to see why earned media is the icing on the cake of your marketing efforts. After all, it’s the result of building strong relationships with your audience, delivering exceptional products or experiences to your consumers, and earning their trust and advocacy. Earned media is a key component to new business opportunities and boosting your brand’s credibility and reach, so why don’t more brands utilize it?

Why is it hard for brands to create earned media?

Adding earned media to the marketing mix can be challenging because the path to building credibility with your audience is not always obvious. Plus, it takes time and carefully curated content to build the strong relationships you want.  It doesn’t help that you are competing for attention in a very crowded digital landscape. Even if you figure out a course of action that allows you to tap into earned media, measuring the ROI is both difficult and challenging.

Overall, integrating earned media into the marketing mix requires a strategic approach as well as ongoing investment in relationship-building and brand-building efforts. Plus, you have to get comfortable relying on third-party endorsements and social media algorithms which is the opposite of what paid media provides. Don’t forget that earned media also requires the manpower to monitor and respond to good and negative mentions in order to capitalize on any potential opportunities.

Luckily, running a sweepstakes or contest is one of the proven ways for brands to successfully dip their toes into the earned-media pool without completely stepping away from the driver’s seat. Deploying a sweepstakes or contest – especially if you run them regularly – is a guaranteed way to boost positive brand perception. After all, a promotion is inherently designed to make people feel good and generate excitement about your brand…as long as it’s run fairly and in compliance with state rules and laws.

Using a sweepstakes or contest to achieve earned media and improve brand awareness

Sweepstakes are a powerful tool for generating buzz and increasing brand visibility because they activate the psychology of winning. Sweepstakes rely on the mindset, behaviors, and emotions that drive people’s desire to win and succeed. Winning inherently feels rewarding and motivating which means it influences how people think and prompts action. Here are the top strategies for creating shareable sweepstakes campaigns:

  1. Irresistible Prizes: Offer prizes that capture attention and resonate with your audience’s interests. Whether it’s exclusive experiences, sought-after products, or dream vacations, compelling prizes encourage participation and sharing.
  2. Engaging Entry Mechanisms: Incorporate interactive and creative entry mechanisms that encourage participation and sharing while making it easy and fun for participants to join in and spread the word. Two examples of engaging entry points are asking contestants to generate memes or come up with photo captions.
  3. Share-Worthy Content: Create captivating and shareable content to promote your sweepstakes across various channels. Utilize eye-catching visuals, engaging videos, and compelling copy to grab attention and encourage social sharing.
  4. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers or brand ambassadors to amplify the reach of your sweepstakes. Partnering with influencers who align with your brand values and resonate with your target audience can help increase participation and drive engagement.
  5. User-Generated Content: Encourage participants to generate and share their own content related to the sweepstakes. Whether it’s photos, videos, or testimonials, user-generated content adds authenticity and encourages organic sharing among participants’ networks.

By implementing these strategies, you can create sweepstakes campaigns that not only drive participation but also generate valuable earned media through social sharing and word-of-mouth. Ready to elevate your marketing mix with a shareable sweepstakes or contest? Let’s connect and discuss how we can make it happen!

#SweepstakesMarketing #EarnedMedia #SocialSharing

Let Us Do the Worrying for You

Sweepstakes and Contest Compliance – it’s something that can derail a promotion and set back your marketing and advertising efforts. Our experienced and expert Promotion Managers work closely with our clients to make sure your Sweepstakes or Contest promotion not only meets your marketing goals and objectives but avoids potentially serious problems down the road. ESG is THE Compliance Company!


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Burbank, CA 91506


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